Jungle Bubble age Adventure

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10 ming+
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Jungle bubble age adventure game you will feel nostalgic, like going back to the era of many years ago and enjoy the classic arcade game we created to for you. Play the game for free to explore breathtaking settings such as snow-capped islands and lush yet treacherous lands to explore a colorful magical bubble world.

🔥 Features Jungle bubble age adventure game: 🔥

✔ Full HD graphics, cute characters and lively pop sound

✔ Simple bubble game, easy to play but challenging to master with 200 amazing puzzles

✔ Boosters are always ready to help when you need it

✔ Free game and join ball crushing fun

✔ Without wifi you can still play anywhere, anytime you want

How to play:

Your task is simple: Crush and pop all the same color pet bubbles

✔ The number of moves is limited and you must complete it before the next level, no time limit

✔ If you really get stuck along the way, use help

✔ Collect a lot of coins to buy in-game items and shoot the score bubbles to increase your moves.

Don't miss this fun game Jungle bubble age adventure and compete with friends and family to see who can get the highest score and get 3 stars on every level.
Oxirgi yangilanish
30-avg, 2023

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*** Version 1.0.2

- Fix Bug

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