Merge Adventure: Auto Tank War

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973 ta sharh
50 ming+
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Generals, we’re at war! It’s time to set up your army of war machines to clash against formidable enemies in DeltaOps: Tactical Merge War!

DeltaOps: Tactical Merge War is a strategy game released worldwide, combining entertaining gameplay with competitive tactics. It is a free-to-play title of battle chess, tank shooter and airplane shooter where you can show your strategy and engage in a total war on the auto battler chessboard. Recruit the strongest awesome tanks and deploy them in the best formation to combat enemy forces in the newest auto battle game!


- Build Your Dream Team

Spend gold to recruit awesome tanks and aircrafts that can be merged to create a stronger version of themselves. Optimizing your resources is the key to win tactical battles in DeltaOps: Tactical Merge War.

- Strategies Rules the World

Be wise! You are a strategic general to collect, combine and build up your army in this auto battler game. In each hustle battle clash, you will face enemy forces with diverse traits, skills and strength. All you need to do is to deploy your tank shooters and airplane shooters in the best formation on the auto battler chessboard and let the auto battle begin. Choose strategies wisely to attack and defeat your enemies. Who will be adaptable to the aggressive tide and survive till the end?

Start your own army of awesome war machines today with DeltaOps: Tactical Merge War - the hot best tactic game of 2023!!!
Oxirgi yangilanish
23-noy, 2023

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