Kids Alphabet Learning: Goobee

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Toddlers Alphabet Learning is a free educational app for toddlers and kids to learn how to read and write alphabet with fun. Made for 3 year old to 5 year old kids who starts to have interests in letter ABC. Interactions with an animated character(Goobee) will amuse your kids and enables them to enjoy the learning process. This alphabet learning app features 5 different types of games to help toddlers learn the concept of ABC letters and simple words.

Target Age: 3 year old to 5 year old (toddlers and kids)

【Find a Letter Game】
A simple alphabet learning game that lets your toddlers / kids learn the connection between the sound and each alphabet. You can turn on/off each alphabet if you want to learn specific letters.

【Fly with Balloons Game】
As a next step to "Find a Letter" Game, this alphabet learning game let your toddlers / kids to search alphabet from a larger number of letters. Toddlers can enjoy popping lots of balloons. Be careful not to fall down by choosing wrong letters!

【Whac-a-Letter Game】
Find and hit letters that fit in the square on the board. ABC letter moles will try to hide like in a whac-a-mole game.

【Find a Word Game】
Toddlers can learn words from a connection of alphabet letters. Familiar words will show up and your kids can enjoy the interaction of the word images and Goobee.

【Trace Letters Game】
This alphabet learning game let your toddlers / kids to learn how to write alphabet by tracing balloon path. As you trace the letters and make words, corresponding images will be shown in the sky to help learn the connection between letters and words.
Oxirgi yangilanish
28-fev, 2023

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Update for Android12 compatibility.