Little Professor math for kids

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The Little Professor is a math for kids preschool game.

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Little Professor presents a series of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems in five degrees of difficulty.
Enter your answer by pushing the number keys. If you're right, the next problem will be presented. If you're wrong, "ERROR" is displayed. You're given two more tries, then the correct answer is displayed. After ten problems, your score - the number of right answers and the time it took to solve, are displayed. A feedback dialog will rate you with 1 to 5 stars. Then another set of ten problems begins with the same operation at the same level.
You can change the level and operation at any time - long press [SET] for menu.
To change the difficulty: press [SET], then the level [1] to [5], and finally press [GO].
To change the operation: press [SET], then the type [+] [-] [*] [/], or [9] for mixed operation mode. Finally press [GO].

The Little Professor is not only a preschool game, it also doubles as a simple calculator for kids.
To switch between trainer and calculator modes, press [SET] [MODE] [GO].

This application is an emulation of the Little Professor toy by Texas Instruments. It is not developed by TI and is not affiliated to it in any way. Actually, it is not even an accurate emulation.

PRIVACY: This Little Professor is completely free and is NOT supported by ads. It does not track user behavior and does not collect or share any personal information. It does not require registration, has no "user account" and doesn't even connect to any server.
Oxirgi yangilanish
24-iyn, 2024

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