Green Bear Hide and Seek

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Embark on an exciting adventure with Gummy Bear in this thrilling hide and seek game for Android! Play as the lovable Gummy Bear, and your mission is to collect as many coins as you can while staying hidden from the watchful eyes of the enemy agent.
Use your stealth and cunning to navigate through each level, strategically avoiding the agent's view area to stay out of sight. The agent is on a relentless pursuit, so make sure you don't get caught! Stay vigilant and master the art of hiding to outsmart the agent and progress to the next level.
As you explore the captivating levels, keep an eye out for shiny coins scattered throughout the environment. Gather as many coins as possible to increase your score and unlock exciting rewards. But remember, the agent's blind area is your opportunity to strike! Circle around the agent and deliver a decisive blow when they least expect it to eliminate them and clear the level.
Prepare yourself for increasingly challenging levels as you progress through the game. The agents become more vigilant, making it even harder to stay hidden. Sharpen your hiding skills, plan your moves carefully, and unleash your inner Gummy Bear hero to overcome these heightened challenges.
• Play as the adorable Gummy Bear in a thrilling hide and seek adventure.
• Avoid the agent's view area to stay hidden and survive.
• Collect shiny coins to increase your score and unlock rewards.
• Take advantage of the agent's blind area to strike and defeat them.
• Progress through multiple levels with increasing difficulty.
• Immerse yourself in stunning 3D graphics and captivating gameplay.
Get ready to experience the ultimate hide and seek adventure with Gummy Bear in this exciting Android game! Download now and indulge in endless hours of coin collecting, strategic hiding, and heart-pounding excitement. Will you be the master of hide and seek and lead Gummy Bear to victory?
Oxirgi yangilanish
3-avg, 2024

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Updated target API to improve compatibility with newer Android versions