Fertilizers Calculator & MC

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Agriculture Fertilizers Calculator and Multi Convertor for Farmers and Agriculture Students.

<>. This app is available in three languages :- English, Punjabi and Hindi.

<>. In this Calculator:-
You can Calculate the Fertilizer required dose by applying of recommended dose of NPK... here you can find fertilizer dose in Urea, Super Phosphate, MOP.. You can also find other source of Phosphorus like DAP instead of Superphosphate. This is advance Calculator for Fertilizers for Farmers and students.

<>. In this app,
You will also found nutrient contents (NPK etc..) of various fertilizers like Urea, DAP, MOP, SSP, Ammonium Sulphate, Ammonium Chloride, Zinc, Ferrous Sulphate, Manganese, Gypsum.. etc... You can also find amount of nutrient content in Available Fertilizers. eg if you have 50 kg urea . then it will show results that 23 kg Nitrogen in 50 kg urea.

<>. Convertor..
<>.. Percent Convertor..
here you can find percent convertor.. which is very useful.. Some pesticide, fungicides or others recommended dose may be in percent. so farmer needs to convert percent in ml or gram that required to dissolved in water and spray their crop.. percent solution mainly require for horticulture crops (Fruits Crops).
So, by this convertor percent is convert into ml or gram that dissolve in water (L).

<>. PPM Convertor (Parts per Million)
This convertor is very useful for farmers that convert the ppm into ml or g per liters. Means that it give amount that required to dissolved in water(L). This is very useful in horticulture crops (specially in Fruit Crops). Many Pesticides and Fungicides recommended dose are in PPM for Fruits crops... So, it require to convert. Farmers easily convert their dose by use this.

<>. Research Tools
Here is many research tools that help to Agri Students.

<>. Normality Convertor
This is very useful for researcher (Students). In the lab, many of chemicals dose are in Normality (N).. here research are needed to convert it into ml or gram for dissolved into suitable solvent.. so this convertor is used for convert it very easy ...
In this convertor, there are two type solute are present i.e. either solid or in Liquid. this convertor has option to convert solid into gram and Liquid into ml ...

<>. Nitrogen Estimation.
Here you can Calculate the Available Nitrogen in Soil.
You can Also find the procedure of Estimation of Available Nitrogen in Soil that can perform in Labs.

<>. Phosphorus Estimation
Here you can Calculate the Available Phosphorus in Soil.
You can Also find the procedure of Estimation of Available Phosphorus in Soil that can perform in Labs.
In this you will get Standard Curve equation Reading that help to estimate. If you have standard Curve equation, then you will directly calculate.
By Applying Spectrophotometer you will get Available Phosphorus in Soil.

<>. Total Acidity Estimation
It is to calculate total acidity in fruits and vegetables.
<>. Ascorbic Acid Estimation
It is to calculate Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) in fruits and vegetables.
here you can calculate dye equivalent and direct sample reading.
<>. Experimental Design
Various CRD, RBD FRBD Design are available in this App


Disclaimer:- Handa-Bros does not accept responsibility for any loss which may arise from reliance on this app (software) or materials published on this site.
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13-okt, 2024

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