Truck Simulator: Truck Game

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100 ming+
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Simulate the experience of a transporter truck driver in new truck simulator games, who performs goods transportation services in mixture of best truck transport games, building construction games, new truck driving games and car driving simulator games. Become the real truck driver of cargo trucks, heavy excavator and water tankers in real truck driving games and new truck games. Meet the demands of building construction manager and perform the duty of transporter truck driver in wood transport truck game and truck transport games. Get your cargo truck, lowboy trailer, water tanker and excavator to transport wood logs and other building construction material to the construction site. Finish the transporter truck driving and cargo transport jobs in time and get rewarded from construction company owner.

This real truck simulator is the story of a happy trucker who wins a contract in building construction company as new driver to transport building material on simulating the best truck driving games and new truck games. He is a transporter truck driver who performs transporter duty and earns the livings in the car simulator games and new construction simulator games. Live the life of a happy transporter truck driver who is driving truck in different landscapes of forest, town and city providing the transportation services in cargo transport games.

Truck Simulator: Truck Game Features
Best feature of the new truck simulator games is diversity of vehicles offering the accumulated experience of car driving games, truck driving simulator and excavator simulator games. Every mission carries a unique job with unique heavy transport vehicle on different environments and landscapes. Explore the world in car driving simulator and truck driving simulator and find exciting scenes of forests and terrains. Gameplay offers the smooth transition of trucker duty from one task to another driving car to transportation company borrowing transporter vehicles and bringing the material from different locations to the construction site.

• Realistic controls, engaging music, sounds
• console like 3d graphics, attractive sceneries
• Diverse range of transporting vehicles, all-in-one
• Unlimited entertainment, Endless excitement.
Oxirgi yangilanish
31-iyl, 2024

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- Game upgraded for Android 14 players