Number Match - Math Puzzle

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39 ta sharh
1 ming+
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Number Match is a number puzzle game: match pair of same numbers or numbers with sum of 10 and clear the board to succeed. Number Match is an easy to learn logic game, It is a useful pastime for your brain.

The Number Match puzzle game requires a concentration. This game is basically a full-featured mobile version of the pen and paper game from your childhood, known as Take Ten, Numberama or 10 Seeds,Now you can take your logic number game with you wherever you go.

Take a break and play Number Match puzzles whenever you feel tired or bored. You can enjoys hours of fun with this Number Match puzzle game. Enjoy the magic of digits and give your brain a great time.

How to Play the Number Match Puzzle Game:
1. The goal is to clear the board by finding pair of matching numbers.
2. Find the pair of either same numbers such as 1 & 1, or 8 & 8, or numbers with sum of 10 such as 3 & 7, 8 & 2.
3. Tap on them one-by-one to turn them to gray and get points.
3. The match is possible in the directions of vertical, horizonal, diagonal, and at the end of one row and the beginning of the next one.
4. If you’re unable to find any match, you can add the remaining numbers to extra lines at the bottom.
5. The Hint feature will speed up your progress.
6.You win once all the numbers are removed from the number puzzle grid.

This Number Match puzzle game contains tens of thousands of puzzle , If you like merging numbers mechanics, you will definitely enjoy this logic game!

What you get:
• Easy-to-learn puzzle game
• No time limit.
• Hints to help you reach your goal quickly
• Day Mode and Dark Mode

Install the number game now to try it and you won't be able to stop!Challenge your brain with Number Match puzzle and have fun!
Oxirgi yangilanish
27-iyn, 2023

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西乡共乐路阳光海湾花园 宝安区, 深圳市, 广东省 China 518000

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