Full Battery Alarm 100%

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Tired of your device running out of power at the most inconvenient times? Look no further! The Full Battery Alarm App is your ultimate solution to ensure you never miss a fully charged device again. This feature-packed application is your trusty sidekick in keeping your gadgets ready for action.

Key Features:

1. Full Charge Alerts: No more overcharging or missed fully charged moments. Our app will alert you with a pleasant notification sound and a visual indicator when your device reaches 100% battery capacity.

2. Customizable Notifications: Tailor your full charge alerts to your liking. Choose from a variety of notification sounds and set the volume to your preferred level, ensuring the alarm is both effective and pleasant.

3. Auto Enable/Disable: Activate the Full Battery Alarm App to automatically sound the alert when your battery reaches 100%, and it will deactivate when you unplug your device, so you can rest easy without worrying about constant notifications.

4. Battery Health Insights: Stay informed about your device's battery health. Track its charging cycles and overall condition to extend its lifespan.

5. Low Battery Alerts: Not just for full charges, our app also offers the option to set low battery alerts, helping you save your device from sudden power loss in critical moments.

6. User-Friendly Interface: Our app boasts an intuitive design, making it easy for users of all levels of expertise to set up and customize their full charge alerts.

7. Battery Usage Statistics: Gain insights into your battery usage patterns to identify which apps and services are consuming the most power. Use this information to manage your device more efficiently.

With the Full Battery Alarm App, you can finally bid farewell to the frustration of forgetting to unplug your device or suffering from a drained battery when you need it most. Take control of your charging routine, extend your battery's life, and enjoy uninterrupted power for your important moments. Download our app today and experience the convenience and peace of mind it provides. Get ready to welcome the future with a full battery, every time!
Oxirgi yangilanish
7-noy, 2023

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