Hilti Documentation Manager

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Hilti’s Documentation Manager is a cloud-based system that provides a simple, easy-to-use process for documenting, tracking, and maintaining firestop and fire protection systems throughout the construction and maintenance phase of the facility. The Documentation Manager solution offers functionality for project management, documentation, and reporting. Projects are created and managed on the back office website, where the back office user can assign additional users, upload product data, approval systems & engineering judgments, 2D floor plans, and define custom or pre-defined input field descriptions to track installed items. Once in the field, the installer can use the app on a standard smartphone or tablet device to capture the relevant information for the installation. The app allows the user to easily update the data input fields, capture multiple photos for each installed item, scan QR Codes on Hilti identification labels, and mark the location of the item on a 2D floor plan. A customized or standard report can be produced to show the in-progress or completed status of the recorded items.
Oxirgi yangilanish
25-noy, 2023

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