K-pop : Learn Korean with Game

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K-pop Korean Puzzle(K-pop Cheonjiin) is a puzzle game that analyzes popular K-pop song lyrics based on big data to collect 1000 Korean word cards by combining consonants and vowels to learn Korean. The innovative puzzle game idea of combining consonants and vowels to learn Korean has been patented.

By collecting 1000 Hangeul cards through K-pop Korean Puzzle to learn Korean, anyone in the world who is interested in K-pop will be able to
K-pop songs and sing along to them. It is to learn Korean game.

In addition, anyone interested in learning Hangul and English can improve their language skills by learning 1000 Hangul words and English words while you are learning Korean game.

Above all, the puzzle game to learn Korean is designed for entertainment, so when you match the blocks, you can hear the dances and voices of the 12 K-Pop Friends singing K-Pop songs as well as you learn Korean game, and you can compete with anyone in the world to learn Korean because your score determines your ranking.

Combine the blocks in the themed stages to get a high score and collect lots of cards! And let's learn Korean game.

Let's Learn Korean with Puzzle Game!

K-pop Korean Puzzle is a great puzzle game for anyone who is interested in K-pop and Korean language to learn Korean!
Oxirgi yangilanish
21-okt, 2024

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