EZHRM - HR & Payroll Software

1 ming+
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The EZHRM application is designed to work with the EZHRM software. You can create a free account for the software on www.ezhrm.in

EZHRM is full-featured HRM (Human Resource Management) software with the following modules:
- Attendance Management
- Integration with Face Recognition, Thumb Impression Machines
- Attendance based on Geo Location
- Attendance based on allowed IP Addresses
- Leave Management
- Payroll Management
- Salary Slip
- Employee Self Service
- Expense Reimbursement
- KYC documents Upload
- and many more exciting features.

You can manage & track your employee’s efficiency with this easy to use HR Management System. With EZHRM, companies can manage data related to all the employees and the system has a provision to provide access permissions to authorized personnel to ensure that employee information is secure and accessible only to the authorized personnel only. It can automatically import and process attendance data in a variety of formats. There are a number of benefits of managing attendance in EZHRM which helps in increasing productivity. E.g. task management can help in achieving individual objectives and as well as organizational objectives.

Admin can assign tasks to the employees and employees can report the task to the reporting manager. Employees can upload their essentials documents required by the organization to verify their information. Admin can view the documents uploaded by employees. EZHRM has the option to compensate the employees for necessary and reasonable expenses; employees can apply for reimbursement online. The leave management system allows you to stop all time-off abuses and implement a company-wide leave policy.

Employees can perform all their tasks using this single application, EZHRM Android App e.g. marking their attendance, view the attendance history, apply for a leave, view leave quota and leave approval status, payroll slips etc.

For more details visit us at http://ezhrm.in

Oxirgi yangilanish
15-okt, 2024

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