Parrot Life Simulator Game

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50 ming+
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Immerse yourself in the thrilling Parrot Life Simulator Game, set in a lush and vibrant jungle. Embody a wild parrot, exploring the world through their eyes. Engage in various life activities, such as foraging for juicy fruits, building and customizing your nest, and socializing with fellow parrots. Learn to communicate with your flock, using a variety of colorful birdsongs and engaging in playful antics. Experience the simple joys of parrot life, like basking in the warm sun or taking a refreshing dip in the jungle river.

But beware - the jungle poses challenges! Survive by avoiding fierce predators, navigating treacherous terrain, and adapting to the dynamic environment. Master the art of flight, soaring through the skies with grace and agility. Experience the rush of flying, playing, and thriving in the wild, making this adventure a true feathered frenzy! With every flutter of your wings, you'll feel the excitement and freedom of parrot life. Explore the jungle's hidden secrets, uncovering hidden fruits and treasures. Become the ultimate parrot champion, and make your mark on the jungle!

Features :

- Innovative 3D HD graphics with parrot family animations of birds games.
- Amazing sounds & virtual parrot effects from virtual birds family games.
- Highly customized engaging levels of wild animal games.
- Highly engaging virtual animal games based play mode.
- Customized stable birds controls for movements in 3d jungle from animal games.
Oxirgi yangilanish
16-okt, 2024

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