Golf Ball Finder & Scorecard

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Discover the Ultimate Golf Ball Finder App on the Apple Store!

Established as a Worldwide Sensation Since 2009!
Featured and Recognized on Engadget.

Introducing the original and unparalleled "Golf Ball Finder" for iPhone—a must-have for every golfer.

*** Now featuring a four-player Scorecard with seamless social sharing capabilities ***

How many golf balls have you lost this year?
How many penalties have you incurred?
How much did those balls cost?

Never lose a ball again with this efficient method to quickly locate your ball on the course.

Why spend 5 times more on Blue glasses?
This app operates similarly but with adjustable settings.

It filters out foliage and grass, enhancing the visibility of white golf balls against trees, rough, and fairways.

* Adjustable for Sunny / Dull weather conditions
* Adjustable for Grass type / Colour

How does it function?

A golf course primarily comprises browns, greens, and blacks (mostly reflecting from dirt, grass, bushes, twigs, etc).

The Golf Ball Finder employs a specialized blue filter that eliminates all visible wavelengths except those at the blue end of the spectrum. This unique filter practically eradicates light reflecting off grass and dark objects in the underbrush, thereby highlighting white golf balls. Most dark objects appear solely as outlines, while the white golf ball appears to radiate with a faint blue hue.

Here are some testimonials we've received:

"It works even better than the Glasses."
"I found my ball and two others this weekend. Great App!"
"Locating my ball meant no penalty, and I triumphed over my friend. He wasn't pleased. Keep up the excellent work!"

And the best part—finding just one ball more than covers the cost of this app!

Download Golf Ball Finder today and gain a competitive edge!
Oxirgi yangilanish
21-dek, 2023

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New Four Player Scorecard with Social Share option