Surah Raad + Urdu

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This app will help you to recite Surah Raad with Urdu Translation.

Urdu Translation and Urdu Tarjuma for Surah Raad.

There are 43 ayaat in this Surah and it is ‘makki’ though some Mufassireen (those who have written commentaries of the Holy Qur’an) say that the last verse of this Surah was revealed in Madinah. In fact, some even go as far as saying that the whole of this Surah is ‘madani’ except for two verses.

The Holy Prophet (a.s.) has been quoted as saying that whoever recites this Surah will be made from among those who fulfil their promise to Allah (S.w.T.) and they will be given reward which is ten times the number of sins they have committed.

It is narrated that Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said that if a mu’min recites this Surah often, he will be taken to Jannah without having to give the long and detailed accounts for his deeds on Earth. He will also be allowed to intercede on behalf of his relatives and friends.

If this Surah is written at night, after the time for Isha prayers, under a candle’s light, and then hung outside the door of a tyrant ruler’s palace, then the ruler will perish and so will his control over the people. His army and his supporters will betray him and nobody will listen to him.
Oxirgi yangilanish
12-okt, 2024

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Surah Raad with Urdu Translation

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