Equalizer: Volume Bass Booster

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Relax and enjoy high-quality sound with the Bass Volume Booster app

You’re searching for a professional tool for enhancing the audio, add 3D Virtualizer & bass booster your music. This powerful sound app offers a range of customizable features to improve the sound output according to your preferences. It includes volume amplification, a music equalizer with mass volume and an edge lighting system for users to achieve the perfect experience while listening to music. The Bass Booster app is particularly useful for genres such as hip hop, R&B, and electronic music, providing a next-level listening time.

🎶 Feature:

♪ Bass boost sound effect
♪ 3D Virtualizer effects
♪ Music player with equalizer sound booster
♪ Media volume booster with multi level
♪ Record volume booster files & save
♪ Stereo surround sound effect
♪ Bass booster for headphones, headphone equalizer ☊
♪ Music equalizer for better listening experience
♪ Colorful music visualization spectrum
♪ Screen edge lighting with colorful edge
♪ Save and share file audio booster

🎛5 Band equalizer music player
- 5 Band of equalizer for adjust: 60Hz, 230 Hz, 910Hz, 3.6KHz, 14KHz
- Customize music loudspeaker by smartphone
- Enhances the low-frequency sound for a richer, more dynamic listening experience
- 20+ different music genres: Bass, classic, dance, folk, hiphop, jazz, pop, acoustic and etc
- Create high-quality sound with simple interface

Professional Bass booster
- enhances the low-frequency audio signals in music by increasing the amplitude of the bass frequencies
- makes the music sound louder and fuller
- used in car audio systems, headphones, and home
- Create high quality sound and enjoy relaxing time with music
- Adjust the amount of bass enhancement over the preset levels
- Dynamic mp3 music player
- 3D Virtualizer effect for a surround sound with immersive experience

Mass Volume booster
- Extra boost music volume for the fantastic time
- Maximizing speaker booster volume, including a sound enhancer, volume control, treble music booster, bass equalizer, sound equalizer, and headphone booster.
- 8 levels to adjust volume booster: Mute, 30%, 60%, 100%, 125%, 150%, 177% % MAX
- Especially suitable for strong music genres to increase the overall volume output
- Amplìy the sound in noisy environments

Screen edge lighting
- Various colorful edge lighting collection
- Wide range of style edge light for bass booster: Full, water drop, hole, notch
- Customize border by setting radíu, width, speed of moving
- Create a colorful music visualization for a visual representation
- adding an extra element of visual interest to your listening experience. use the built-in LED lights on the edge of the screen to create a more immersive visual experience while mp3 music player.

♫ To achieve chill with music time, don’t hesitate exploring this bass volume booster app. If you have any feedback about Music Sound equalizer bass with volume boost app, please comment below or email to the developer. We'll always keep track of your feedback to improve and create a better Bass Booster - volume booster and Sound Equalizer app.

Oxirgi yangilanish
2-okt, 2024

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Xavfsizlik — dastur ishlab chiquvchilar maʼlumotlaringizni qanday jamlashi va ulashishini tushunishdan boshlanadi. Maʼlumotlar maxfiyligi va xavfsizlik amaliyotlari ilovadan foydalanish, hudud va yoshga qarab farq qilishi mumkin. Bu axborot dastur ishlab chiquvchi tomonidan taqdim etilgan va keyinchalik yangilanishi mumkin.
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Equalizer: Volume Bass Booster for Android