The Throat Doctor Ent DR game

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105 ta sharh
10 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
T (13+)

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Do you know just how many bugs and bacteria there are in one person's mouth? There's all kinds of icky things behind your teeth! Time for the Throat Doctor to get to work!

With the Throat Doctor, you can learn that it's all in a day's work for a doctor - it's a fun throat doctor simulation game where you play the role of doctor, treating patients to clear up all the nasty infections they find and make them all better!

Ease your fears with this fun, simple, cute game - no patient ever leaves the Throat Doctor's practice without a smile on their face!

So, put on your doctor's coat, wash your hands, and get ready to have fun!

Key features:

Welcome your patients to your practice, sit them in the examination chair and ask them to OPEN WIDE!

• Find all the infections - aim your flashlight to the back of your patient's throat to light up all the nasties!

• The right tool for the right job - each different infection, virus and bacteria needs a different medical tool to get rid of it. Make sure you use the right tools for the job or those bugs aren't going to budge!

• Cooling freeze gun - blow them away with the ice-cold spray!

• Soothing cream - bring those infections down to size with the tube of ointment!

• Mouth vacuum - suck out the stubborn bacteria with the awesome hand vacuum!

• Don't forget the back - fish out the bugs hiding in the back of the throat with the trusty swab!

• Bring down the swelling - Q-tip those inflamed tonsils with medicine to reduce the swelling!

• Pick out the junk - use the tweezers to tease out the toothpicks. Toothpicks? How did they get in there!?

• Polish to perfection - clean the gums, teeth and lips when you're done with the antiseptic wipe to make your patients leave with the widest, brightest, shiniest of smiles! So many cool tools to use!

With this fantastic throat doctor simulation game, you will love playing doctors while learning that there's nothing to worry about when it's their turn to OPEN WIDE!
Oxirgi yangilanish
23-iyl, 2019

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The Throat Doctor