Popup Notification for LINE

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You can NOT USE it if you do not have the LINE APP INSTALLED.

It is an app that shows a popup notification when the notification of LINE arrives.
It is recommended for those who do not notice the standard notification of LINE alone or who want to read the message without marking as read.

*Images cannot be displayed on Android 11 and above. Please note
I have only confirmed the operation on some models. If something goes wrong, please report to kame33.apps@gmail.com.

It has the following features.
*Images cannot be displayed on Android 11 and above. Please note

・ You can keep the message even after closing the pop-up window and check it again later without marking as read.
・ You can check not only sentences but also images and stamps with pop-up without marking as read.
・ You can open the image with any image viewing app by tapping the image that has arrived.
・ If the message is long, you can read it to the end by scrolling without marking as read.

・ You can change in detail from the setting screen, such as whether to save the message and how many days to save it.
・ A pop-up screen lights up and displays even during sleep, so you can prevent situations where you do not notice an important contact (it does not operate normally depending on conditions such as deep sleep).

・The content of the notification is stored in the storage of the smartphone itself. We will not transmit any personally identifiable information, not just the content of the notification.
・Storage read permission is used only for the purpose of acquiring images received by LINE. It is not used for any other purpose. Also, it does not have write permission for storage.

Install this app to read LINE messages without marking as read.
"LINE" is a trademark or registered trademark of LINE Corporation.
Oxirgi yangilanish
26-sen, 2024

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