Broken Screen Prank - Crack it

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Prank your friends with this amazing game!

If you like fun apps, funny apps, prank apps, cracked screen apps, broken screen prank apps or scare your friends apps in general you will love Broken Screen Prank - Crack it! Enjoy hours of fun and laughter with Broken Screen Prank - Crack it!

- Instructions to activate the prank:
To setup your prank, click on the “smash icon” placed in the upper left corner of the screen.
Set up the modality you want the prank to work and hand the device over to someone.

You can choose between two different options to trigger the prank:
✔ Time: Choose after how many seconds you want the joke to start.
✔ Touches: Choose after how many touches the joke shall be activated.

You can also choose between 4 different types of screen cracks.
If you should get tired of the prank or you have nobody close to you to be pranked, you can just play our game, with over 200 levels, and have great fun that way.

The Game: Unblock Car Parking
Unblock Car parking is a challenging and addictive puzzle game. The goal of the game is to get the red car out of some busy parking areas by moving the other automobiles out of the way. Help the red racing car get out of some difficult parking situations. Unblock Car Parking comes with 16 chapters divided in 3 different parking locations: county side, city / town and beach. There are many levels ranging from easy to very difficult. Move the different vehicles (trucks, jeeps, carbon racing cars, bus, etc.) wisely to open a path.
There are many puzzles to be played for your personal enjoyment, worth hours of playing to keep you always challenged.

You can earn 3 stars for each level depending on how fast and in how many moves you manage to solve the puzzle.

How to play Broken Screen Prank - Crack it:
1. Drag the objects to create a gap.
2. Move the red one through the puzzle.
3. Less moves to win more stars.

Features of Broken Screen Prank - Crack it:
✔ 16 Chapters each containing 24 levels ranging from easy to hard
✔ Many puzzles for you to enjoy
✔ Keep track of all the puzzles you've cleared
✔ System to help you undo the game
✔ Nice 3D animations of the different cars
✔ Background music and sounds

Train your brain and your observation capacities.
Oxirgi yangilanish
17-sen, 2024

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