Giffie: Personal English Tutor

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Say hello to Giffie! We built Giffie to make English reading a breeze for your little ones. It is specifically designed for kids aged 3 to 7. Giffie is not just an app; Giffie is your child's very own personal AI tutor who makes learning to read effortlessly easy and incredibly fun.
The world of English reading can often feel like a maze with its numerous spelling rules and exceptions. This can be both confusing for your child and frustrating for you. Giffie is here to make the journey smoother and more enjoyable.
Giffie was crafted by a neuroscientist (who also happens to be a parent!) with the latest science of reading in mind. We know that the secret to learning is not just repetition, but also engagement. And that's why Giffie is a blend of education and entertainment, designed to maintain that perfect balance and keep your child intrigued.
Introducing reading with phonics can sometimes feel a bit monotonous. Not with Giffie! We make phonics a fun-filled adventure, helping your child navigate from the ABCs of reading all the way to mastering over two thousand words. And the journey doesn't end there! We've got thousands of captivating stories waiting to be explored, making reading come alive for your little learner.
We believe – and science backs this up – that each child learns at their own pace, and Giffie is designed to accommodate that. Your child can practice in their own time, without any distractions or gimmicks. We don't include games just for the sake of it. Everything in Giffie serves the purpose of enhancing your child's reading skills while ensuring they have a blast!
We also understand your concerns about excessive screen time. While Giffie is all about making reading exciting, it's not designed to replace physical books or encourage endless screen usage. Giffie is here to complement your child's reading journey and inspire them to discover the magic that books have to offer.
So, if you're looking to make your child's screen time more productive and their reading experience more enjoyable, Giffie is just perfect.

Come, join us on this exciting adventure and open the door to magical worlds that only reading can reveal!

Why you should upgrade: We offer multiple stages you can explore before gaining unlimited access through a subscription. This subscription will allow you to unlock all stages in Giffie and provide early access to new stories as they are added.
Oxirgi yangilanish
27-avg, 2024

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