Shimeji:My Desktop Pet Friend

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120 ta sharh
10 ming+
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Hamma uchun

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Shimeji Desktop pets is a very cute desktop electronic pet software. This adorable little pet can be displayed on any interface, no longer limited to wallpaper. For example, when you're chatting, gaming, watching videos, the pet is always there accompanying you interacting and playing, walking, standing, sleeping, with so many cute expressions to warm your heart.

🐶Shimeji Desktop pet Friend features🐱

✨Lots of desktop pets for you to choose from
Characters from animations, cartoon characters, comic protagonists, game characters, celebrities...we have all the characters you like

🎮Various interactive ways to play
You can drag it to play, throw it to play, tap it to play ~ Or you can let it play freely and comically. Flying around in your phone, going up and down...

🎛️Adjust freely
Desktop pets can be big or small, actions can be fast or slow, you can adjust freely according to your preference.

⏸Pause anytime
You can pause or make the Shimeji leave anytime by clicking on it while typing, watching a movie, chatting on Facebook, calling on WhatsApp, etc. You can also drag it to another area and click on it again later to restore it when needed.

💯We will continue to update more cute simeji, please give us 5 star support!
Oxirgi yangilanish
22-apr, 2024

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