Try to solve math - for kids

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Try to solve Math for kids is not boring, interesting app for kids that will be useful and very informative for kids.

Try to solve Math for kids is a math app for kids that will allow you to learn basic math or consolidate your knowledge in a fun way instead of tormenting with textbooks! Teaches children basic mathematics (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division). Children will have to solve many different and interesting mathematical tests . It's like passing a children's test in mathematics by checking current skills in mathematics and learning to count in your head quickly and without mistakes.
children will learn basic school math skills. Mathematics for children will improve thinking, intelligence, help develop perseverance, increase your child's IQ level, will improve memory and ability to analyze. The app is suitable for both preschool and primary school children. Help your child learn math and improve their knowledge!
We looking forward to any suggestions and comments, it will help us make the app better and more useful for children.

Good luck to everyone who loves mathematics! Have a good time!
Oxirgi yangilanish
3-fev, 2023

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First release