Auto Clicker: Automatic Tap

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1 ming+
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Our free Auto Clicker Android is easy to install and let's you auto click on any game or app.

He has the following characteristics:

- Easy To Use
Choose the location and it starts tapping away!

- Multiple Click Points
Supports multiple click points anywhere on your screen

- Works with any Game!
Roblox, Tap Titans 2,Minecraft. All working and auto clicking.
Separately set the parameters of the clicks, such as delay, touch duration and number of repetitions

- Time Intervals
Can select time intervales per click or time based clicking.

- Support Android 7.0 or above system
- Accessibility services are required to implement the script

- Why do we use AccessibilityService API?
We use API services to help implement key features of our app, such as simulating automatic clicks and swipes on the screen.

- Do we collect private data?
We do not collect any private data in this way.

For any questions and suggestions, don't hesitate to get in touch. We try our best to build the user-valuable apps for all iPhone & iPad users.
Oxirgi yangilanish
29-iyl, 2024

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