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Wifi Radar is (experimental) application to scan WiFi access points and create map about those.

Wifi Radar calculate estimated distance to WiFi access points (AP) based on signal levels. It will create relative map around APs and user locations. Map does not have any other relations to real world than those APs.

Scanned AP data is given to ForceGraph data structure, which create spring-like relations between AP's and current scanning position. Then ForceGraph calculate spring forces for relations, and let APs to move around by pushing and pulling each others.

After while, with enough scanned APs and enough different scanning positions, map start to get its shape to show how APs relate to each other, and where user is within those.

Note that ForceGraph cannot separate left and right, or which direction is forward. When compared to real world, map can be mirrored and pointing to different direction on screen.
Oxirgi yangilanish
18-sen, 2024

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Fixed problem in screen updating (with new composeBom)

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Korsumäki Markku Tapani