Lawyer Life 3D - Court Masters

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Have you ever dreamt of being a Lawyer? Now it's possible with your new free new casual game Lawyer Simulator.

Be a fair lawyer, present the right evidence, make the right call or you will send straight to jail your innocent client.

How To Play:
- Run your own courtroom, question witnesses, analyze clues and evidence, read reports, and pass sentences and verdicts. The town’s justice system is in your hands.
- Provide legal advice for the clients and earn money to become a business tycoon.
- A game for learning how to represent yourself in court for people with civil legal problems

- Free to play.
- Best addictive law game ever.
- Build skills and confidence to represent yourself as a lawyer.
- Make yourself satisfied and motivated to win most cases.

Who's guilty and who isn't? Save innocent people from charge. Be the best lawyer. Be careful, your decision cause people's life.
Play now our new addictive Lawyer Life simulator game and have fun.
Oxirgi yangilanish
27-avg, 2024

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