Sound Meter-Decibel Meter

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Sound Meter-Decibel Meter app shows a decibel value by measuring environmental noise and displays the measured dB value in different forms.
If you want to measure your area sound level?

This is a smart Sound Meter And noise meter application for android. You can easily measure sound level.

Sound Meter-Decibel Meter app to detect sound level. A Sound Meter is a necessary tool for your daily life, no matter what you do, or where you live, it is a practical noise detector to help you avoid noise pollution that harms your hearing and affects your comfort. Our Sound Meter app can provide accurate decibel data and show you how the decibels go.

Using Sound Meter you can measure the sound level and also save the current noise level. Min, Average, and Max noise features will help you to check the noise. The current running noise level reading is also displayed on a graph, so you can understand the noise level.

Digital Compassalso allows the option to view your location details like longitude, distance, and current location and find the right destination with your Smartphone.

The Sound Meter app also helps you to check Current Weather details and find location names and details like temperature, cloudiness, visibility, air pressure, and humidity. Wind direction, sunrise, and sunset.

When sometimes you don't know where you are, this application helps you with Live Location it works to find the exact direction from your location.

Sometimes it is hard to get directions when you are traveling or even on vacation in unknown places, but this smart digital compass is useful for all users who love to travel, like to track, and much more.

Main Feature:-
⩨ Indicates decibel by gauge
⩨ Display the current noise reference
⩨ Display minimum /average /maximum decibel values
⩨ Display decibels by graph
⩨ Can calibrate the decibel for each device
⩨ Show measurement history
⩨ Change white or black theme
⩨ Measure the environmental noise
⩨ Real-time update on chart graph
⩨ Reset Button is provided in case you need to reset the measuring
⩨ Play and Pause button is provided
⩨ Noise test or Sound test(decibel meter or dB meter)
⩨ Smart Digital Compass to find accurate directions through your smart device
⩨ Location tool to find live location address in details
⩨ Weather forecast to find accurate weather, temperature
⩨ Find sunrise and sunset timing
⩨ L attitude, longitude, and address
⩨ Full-screen Map with live location
A loud noise will be harmful to both your physical and mental health. You should avoid exposure to that environment. Let our Sound Meter measure environmental noise. Don't hesitate to download Sound Meter to protect your and your family's health.
Thank you!!
Oxirgi yangilanish
30-mar, 2023

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