Led Banner Scroller Marquee

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Led Banner Scroller is the easiest app to create a sign quickly when you need it. You can create a scrolling text and show it to people as a form of support or even when they can't hear your voice. Use the app right now to make your device a LED Signboard / Scrolling Marquee.

Just select your preferred text size, speed, and background colors to get yourself all set. The easiest banner tool you have ever seen.

You can create messages for help, alerts, warning, and whatever else you imagine. Create messages with scrolling text, numbers, symbols, and emojis 😀.

These are some of the situations this app will come in handy:

- 🚙 Driving: Quickly warn people on the road
- 💘 Flirting: Ask someone out
- 🕺🏻 Party: Show a message to your friends when the sound is too loud
- 🛬 Airport: Use it as a sign to the person you are waiting for
- ⚽ Live matches: Support your team
- 😍 And many more...

Application completely in accordance with the GDPR 🛡️

Download right now and have the best scrolling banner app in the palm of your hands! 👋

In case you have any questions, suggestions, or want to send us feedback, feel free to reach out to our email: support@appcraftlabs.com
Oxirgi yangilanish
26-okt, 2024

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