Hair Clipper, Razor Prank

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Are you bored with classic jokes? Do you wanna prank your friends for unlimited fun? Now turn your device into a joke machine so prank and have fun 😂😂😂 with Hair Clipper, Razor Prank, Funny Sounds App

We gathered funny sounds, hair clippers prank, and lie detector pranks in one place for you. So you can joke and laugh for hours without getting bored.

Haircut Razor app menu includes authentic haircut sounds and vibrations, your friends will really think that their hair has been cut. You won't be able to stop laughing when you see their surprised and angry faces...

Haircut prank, shaver simulation, trimmer, hair dryers and scissors are the best tools for the hair clipper prank menus... They have different machine choices, sounds and vibrations. Let's select and have fun ;)

You can choose from hundreds of fart sounds and shock your friends and pretend nothing happened and wait for their reaction. They'll think you're farting until you laugh and tell the truth :)) You can prank your friend or family with this Hair Clipper Prank Shaving, Fake Razor Prank, Fart Sounds App, or you can just listen to yourself if you wanna laugh.

Many different prank tools and funny things (hair cut prank, razor prank, fart sounds, lie detector, funny sound effects, and many more) are combined in one app for you.

Download the Hair Clipper App for unlimited fun and prank. Enjoy the fun and joke :)))
Oxirgi yangilanish
17-iyl, 2024

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Nima yangiliklar

Hey, Hair Clipper, Razor Prank Lovers!

We constantly listen to your feedback and work on improving our app and its haircut prank, shaver, fake razor, and trimmer features.
Within this release we have made the following updates

- bug fixes and improvements

Looking forward to your feedback and recommendations. Hope you will like our new updates