Digital clock widget

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You can use it as a bedside clock, night clock, digital alarm clock. And it will wake you up every morning. It also seems an analog clock that display month, day and weather.

Digital Clock Widget turns your phone into a beautiful big digital bedside clock, just like a digital clock wallpaper. You can get a simple bedside night clock from all kinds of clocks for android. Actually it is a big digital clock widget.

Do you have a late experience?
Do you have the experience for get up late for school or work?
Do you want someone to wake you up in the morning?

Now Digital Clock Widget will help you solve these problems, Visual Clock is a loud alarm clock which can provide wake up call and help you wake up quickly.

In addition, all date and time formats are supported. And it can turns your Android device into a LED digital alarm clock with gorgeous themes, and a sleep timer that lulls you to sleep sweet at night!

*Support 12/24 time format ( Simple big digital clock display )
*Wake you up every morning. ( As a smart alarm clock )
*Display the time in big, bold letters ( Kinds of color to choose from)
*Display month and day of the week ( Just like a calendar )
* Display the weather & temperature when you open GPS.
* And More Features Always in the Works!
* Digital clock shows the time using the the whole screen width.

Digital Clock Widget is a very simple full screen digital bedside clock app as clock widgets for home screen. Just try it!
Oxirgi yangilanish
24-avg, 2023

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