New York Mobile Guide

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This guide is for you if you plan a New York trip!

We compiled necessary information to start planning your visit to New York.
This guide will help make it productive, yet very pleasant.

The audio guide attempts to answer the questions:
- what is the city,
- what can be seen here,
- what to expect from the trip,
- where to go on your first visit and what can be postponed for a later occasion.

This helpful guide is based upon various sources of tourist information, including expert opinions of local guides and experienced travellers.
Some hints and tips that you will find in this compact guide may add more interest to your trip and will save your time and money during a New York trip. .

The guide is simple to use, contains audio track with illustrations.
“Information” section contains textual information where you'll find a suggested three days visit plan, some general advice and also tips regarding landmarks and sightseeings mentioned in the guide.

That’s it, now you are ready to step into the streets of this fabulous city! Let's go!

Sound duration 33 minutes

Guide: Espen
Oxirgi yangilanish
2-avg, 2017

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