Save the Girl from Alphabet

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"Save the girl: Draw To Save" is a challenging draw-save puzzle game that puts your brain and drawing talent to the test. In this game, you must draw one continuous line with your fingers to create walls that protect the adorable girl from the bee attacks in the hive. The painted wall must hold for 10 seconds during the attack of the bees to save the girl, and you must use your problem-solving skills to ensure her safety.

This game is not limited to girls only, as you can save other animals like pandas, cats, and frogs by changing the memes. Moreover, you can share the game with your friends and save the girls together.

With its simple and addictive gameplay, it is nor save the dog, but this game offers increasing difficulty that is both challenging and satisfying. The 2D graphics are visually appealing, and the sound and effects add to the immersive experience.

To play the game, draw only one line to save the girl and finish each level. Make sure the line does not cross the girl you need to protect, and draw in the blank space. One level can have more than one answer, so let your wild imagination take over to find different, surprising, interesting, unexpected, and even hilarious drawing solutions to save the girl, like save the doge game?

Welcome to the interesting world of "Save the girl: Draw To Save." Feel free to share your feedback as you immerse yourself in the game and save the girls!
Oxirgi yangilanish
17-may, 2023

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