Lystloc-Field Force Management

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Lystloc is an easy to use real-time location intelligence SaaS application that can be used to track the Field executives location-based attendance, live location, total client visits, each visit meeting updates, task status, distance travelled and total working hours.

Lystloc is structured based on cutting-edge technologies in order to possess speed, scalability, security, and cost-friendly. Also, Lystloc's API can seamlessly integrate with your mobile application thereby reducing your effort to find an alternate solution or develop tracking features.

Features of Lystloc Includes,

1. Real-Time Location tracking
The admin can track the field executives’ location in real-time. They can visualize the route travelled by the users and also the total distance covered. The customer location can also be viewed with Check-in/Checkout feature. The live tracking feature accesses the location of the users’ device only if the feature is enabled. Based on physical activity, when the device is moving and is still, the location is taken in real-time and at regular intervals in background respectively to show the route and distance travelled by the user.

2. Location-based Task Management
Ability to list out the daily tasks that the on-field executives have to do in a day. And also using this feature, the Admin can know about the on-time check-in/out at the task location along with the task status and meeting notes.

3. Location-based Attendance
The users can mark their attendance through a single touch authentication from anywhere. Users can mark attendance only when they are within the vicinity of the assigned location, only when this feature is enabled for the users by the Admin. Also, the total working hours of the executives can be calculated with the attendance In/Out time.

4. Location-based Meeting Notes
This option is used to collect meeting-related information that is required. For example, which customer is being met during check-in by the field executives, customer-related info, and much more. And also, the users can immediately update the meeting outcome as soon as it is completed in an easy way i.e. they can type in the text box during the check- out time. Meeting notes are customizable according to the requirements and needs of the Admin.

5. Lystdata
Lystdata is an all-in-one detailed data insight provided by Lystloc in-built with strong and technically powerful data insights software. Deriving real-time reports help the Admin in payroll processing, evaluating executives’ performance, agility and many more.

Privacy Policy: The location of the users is accessed only with the knowledge of the user between the users' attendance in and out time. To know more on data privacy, check our Privacy policy.
Oxirgi yangilanish
5-noy, 2024

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