Smart Notifications Reader

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Speaking Notifications is a powerful Android app designed to enhance your smartphone experience by intelligently managing and reading your notifications aloud. With its intuitive features, NotifySpeak helps you stay informed while reducing unnecessary distractions, ultimately leading to a more productive and efficient use of your device.

Main Key Features:

1. Global Notification Mute Switch: Take control of your notification reading experience with a simple toggle switch. Mute notifications globally or allow them to be read aloud at your convenience.
2. Customizable Notification Scheduling: Set specific intervals during which notifications will be read aloud. Configure your own "night mode" to block notifications during specified hours, ensuring uninterrupted rest and peace of mind.
3. Silent Mode Compatibility: Our app respects your device's silent mode settings. Notifications will not be read aloud when your phone is set to silent, preserving your privacy and preventing unnecessary disruptions.
4. Notification History: Easily access and manage your notification history within the app. Review past notifications, delete irrelevant ones, and stay organized with a comprehensive list of your recent alerts.
5. Package Neglect: Customize your notification preferences by neglecting notifications from specific apps or packages. Choose which notifications to prioritize and which to ignore, tailored to your individual needs.
6. Increased Productivity: By reducing the need to constantly check your phone for notifications, our app helps you stay focused on important tasks and minimizes distractions. Spend less time on your device and more time on meaningful activities.

Empower yourself with Speaking Notifications and revolutionize the way you interact with your smartphone. Download now and experience the convenience of hands-free notification management.
Oxirgi yangilanish
4-fev, 2024

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