DLAN Assistant

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Welcome to the DLAN Assistant. This application is based on the DLNA protocol's wireless screen projection technology, which allows you to project videos onto a TV or large screen through wireless connections, achieving the effect of watching on a large screen.
1、 Functional characteristics
Cross platform: DLNA wireless screen projection technology not only supports mobile devices such as Android and iOS, but also desktop devices such as Windows and Linux, allowing different devices to connect and transmit to each other.
Wireless connection: Users only need to be on the same WiFi network to achieve wireless connection and screen mirroring between devices.Adaptive Resolution: The DLNA protocol can automatically adjust the screen projection resolution based on different devices and network environments, ensuring clarity and smoothness of the image.
2、 How to implement DLNA wireless screen projection function?
Confirm device support: To use the DLNA wireless screen projection function, it is necessary to first confirm that the device supports the DLNA protocol. Generally speaking, modern smart TVs and other devices have built-in support modules for the DLNA protocol. For devices such as mobile phones and computers, corresponding DLNA protocol software or plugins need to be installed to achieve wireless screen mirroring function.
Connecting to the same WiFi network: To use the DLNA wireless projection function, all devices need to be connected to the same WiFi network. Ensure that smart TV and other devices are connected to home networks or public WiFi hotspots.
Enable DLNA service: On devices such as televisions or audio systems, turn on the corresponding DLNA service switch. Find the "Network Settings" or "Wireless Screen Projection" option in the device menu and enable the DLNA function.
Search for devices: Search for available TVs or other devices in the DLAN Assistant. Generally speaking, applications will list connected devices on the same WiFi network.
Add video transmission: After selecting the device you want to project from the list of available devices found in the search, add a video playback link on the homepage. The application will automatically transfer the content to the selected device and start playing on the large screen.
Screen casting history: When using the screen casting function, the application will save the screen casting record for the user. The user can delete the record or re cast the screen when needed.
3、 Precautions
When using the screen mirroring function of the application, it is important to protect personal privacy and data security, and not transfer sensitive information or private content through DLNA.
If there are issues such as lagging or delay during transmission, you can try checking the stability of the network connection or restarting the device and router.
Different devices and applications may support different versions and features of DLNA. When encountering problems, you can refer to the official documentation of the device for more assistance.
In short, the DLAN Assistant is a very practical application that allows users to more conveniently project video resources onto a TV or large screen, enjoying better audio-visual effects and interactive experiences.
Oxirgi yangilanish
30-mar, 2024

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