Maktro GPS Tracker

1 ming+
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Maktro GPS Tracker :
Real-time tracking: This feature allows you to track the location of the vehicle in real-time, usually through a web-based interface or a mobile app.

Geofencing: This feature allows you to set up virtual boundaries around an area, and receive alerts if the vehicle enters or exits that area.

Historical data: Many GPS trackers store historical data that can be accessed later to review the vehicle's movements over a specific period of time.

Speed monitoring: This feature allows you to monitor the speed of the vehicle and receive alerts if it exceeds a certain threshold.

Route replay: This feature allows you to replay the vehicle's route on a map to see its movements in detail.

Fuel efficiency tracking: Some GPS trackers are equipped with sensors that can track the vehicle's fuel efficiency, allowing you to monitor fuel usage and costs.

Engine diagnostics: Some GPS trackers have the ability to monitor the vehicle's engine performance and report any issues or problems.

Driver behavior: This feature allows you to monitor the driving habits of the vehicle operator, such as sudden stops, fast acceleration, and harsh turns.

Alerts: Many GPS trackers allow you to set up custom alerts, such as an alert if the vehicle exceeds a certain speed, or if it enters or leaves a designated area.
Oxirgi yangilanish
10-sen, 2024

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Md. Tanzim Rahman

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