Houses map for minecraft

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Always wanted to get a comfortable base in the game with a house for minecraft 1.20? Don't like to build, but really want to live in cool minecraft houses 1.19? Do you want to feel safe at night from house for mcpe 1.18? Then download our application with many houses map for minecraft 1.20 and live in the most comfortable conditions!

Ready-made houses for mcpe 1.17 are such maps for minecraft 1.12 with building mods 1.20. On them you will find many different houses for minecraft 1.20. You can find many different houses for mcpe 1.15. You will have a huge selection of mcpe houses 1.20 and you will definitely be able to choose some kind of mansion for minecraft 1.20 for your stay. You can choose a small house map for minecraft 1.18, or live in a big mansion for mcpe 1.20. You can also find modern villas or a castle for minecraft 1.20. In any case, you can choose a mansion mod 1.12, which will definitely have enough space not only for you, but for all your friends. All house mod 1.20 is already completely ready for use. There you can find everything you need for a comfortable life in a mansion map for minecraft 1.20. These are numerous rooms furnished with fully functional furniture mods 1.17, many chests for storing resources, surrounding areas with a garden or any other buildings. Your survival with our application and modern houses maps 1.19 will be very comfortable and safe. And also your mcpe mansion 1.19 will definitely not leave your friends indifferent. You can also change any mansion maps a little or add some furniture.

DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial app and map. The name, brand and assets are the property of the owner. All rights reserved under
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