Math Kindergarten to 4th Grade

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10 ming+
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The purpose of this app is to help kids learn math.
To make learning more interesting, it is represented as a game and offers math tests with questions and answers.
The levels are from kindergarten, preschool, class 1, class 2, class 3 to class 4 and even more, depending on the mathematics education system, which is used in the school.
It is appropriate for:
1. Kindergarten ages, when the kids learn counting and shapes.
2. In school ages for preparation in mathematics into the area of common core math.
The questions cover different areas: Visual counting - animals, objects, shapes; Arithmetic - addition, subtraction, multiplication, division; Equations and Inequalities; Finding patterns in Numbers series.
It has different levels where the numbers go up from 10 to 20, 50, 100, 1000.

Playing instructions:
First you need to select a level from the menu. By default it starts in Kindergarten mode (counting).
When a game starts the first question appears and you have to click one of the four buttons with answers.
So, the first goal is to have as many as possible correct answers at the end of the test sequence.
When you start achieving all correct answers of the level easily, it is time to speed up your reactions/calculations and make them in a shorter time. The app is keeping your best result for each level and shows it.

Except high math grades in school, math tests develop and increase several mind capabilities, like Speed of counting and calculations, patterns recognition, concentration level, IQ, analytical skills, systematic thinking and logic, abstract thinking and many others.

The free version of the app uses ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE and INTERNET permissions, because it shows ads.

Your feedback and/or review is more than welcome.
Oxirgi yangilanish
13-iyl, 2024

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