Pong Fader: Multi player retro

100 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
Hamma uchun

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Do you know Pong, the earlier one of the earliest arcade video games?

With Pong Fader you can play alone or with two players on the same device!

Possible controller:
• Your device screen
• Device orientation via your device accelerometer
• Android Wear (watch accelerometer: orientation)
• Mixfader: The first Mixfader game!

Settings available:
• Pick the game color and sound
• Change the ball speed and artificial intelligence
• Modify your starting lives

If you have an Android Wear device, you can use the watch to control the smartphone paddle or play directly on the wearable.

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How to play with an Android wear on your device?
• Connect your watch to your device (phone or tablet)
• Launch the app on your watch
• Select your watch model on the launcher page on your device
• Move your wrist to control the paddle

How to play with a Mixfader?
• Start you Mixfader. The LED should blink
• Touch the Bluetooth icon on the app
• Select your Mixfader name on the launcher page on your device
• Move the crossfader to control the paddle

Enjoy the game!
Oxirgi yangilanish
8-fev, 2024

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Jonathan Mercandalli
208 Av. du Maréchal Juin Boite 19 (Appt C31) 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt France

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