Merge Defense:Hero Fusion

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Are you a skillful master in tower defense game? Thrive on your wise tactics and fight formidable opponents. Zombies and monsters are terrorizing the land, and we need your help! Build up your defenses by merging powerful heroes.

Merge your heroes
In this merge tower defense game, you will unite your heroes, and defend against waves of zombies and monsters by the fusion of heroes.

Defend your position
Be careful when formulating strategies to combat a large number of zombies and monsters. They won't give up until they devour and destroy your magic stone! You need to merge and upgrade heroes as soon as possible.

Simple and interesting
You don't need to pay anything except time. It's a casual merge tower defense game where everyone can get rich rewards while taking a break.

How to play
• Unlock positions to expand the number of recruited heroes
• Merge heroes of the same level to upgrade new powerful heroes
• Move heroes strategically to attack zombies and monsters
• Defeat all zombies and monsters before they reach the end of the magic stone

Enter Merge Defense game with millions of players in an endless battle around the world to fight off waves of zombies and monsters, and guard the magic stone.
Oxirgi yangilanish
17-avg, 2023

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