NetBridge - No Root Tethering

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🏝️ Bypass carrier restrictions that prevent you from using hotspots
🫣 Hide hotspot tethering features to avoid speed restrictions by carriers
🌈 Unlimited tethering, rich customization options
🎯 Share cellular data or create a Wi-Fi hotspot from a mobile already connected to Wi-Fi
🗝️ Customizable DNS server, DNS requests encrypted via HTTPS
⏰ Automatic shutdown at scheduled time
🎲 Can choose IPv4 or IPv6 individually
🌿 Low resource consumption
👍 Easy to use & nice UI

You should use NetBridge for network sharing.
1️⃣ If you do not have a mobile hotspot plan, or your hotspot has hit your data cap and is being throttled or slowed down. This is where you need to use NetBridge to share the network.
NetBridge uses the following technologies to resist the carrier’s hotspot detection and enable network tethering.
🥎 Combat carrier DNS sniffing by using encrypted DNS requests. Make network hotspot tethering more stable
🏀 Dynamically modify the user agent in the http request to disguise it as a network request issued from a mobile device
🏈 Use IPv6 to reduce the data consumption of IPv4 and avoid carrier suspicion due to excessive bandwidth
⚽️ Wi-Fi Direct is used to enable network tethering. It runs more stably and faster than Wi-Fi hotspot

2️⃣ If you want to share the VPN to other devices. At this time, you need NetBridge to turn on the hotspot tethering. After other devices connect to the hotspot, they can use the VPN network on your phone.

3️⃣ If you need a Wi-Fi repeater or extender. NetBridge is optimized for network transmission speed, which can bring a better Internet experience.

NetBridge has the following features:

* Share cellular data or extend your existing WiFi connection.
Unlimited WiFi to WiFi tether. Unlimited cellular network to WiFi tether.
No tethering plan or tether fees required and your tethering is completely hidden & undetectable.
Using WiFi Tether which is more faster than Bluetooth, and bleeding edge techniques with Asynchronous I/O to make WiFi Tether faster than ever.

* Custom DNS server.
When you share your cellular or WiFi network, your device works as a gateway.

* Low resource consumption.
Extremely efficient and reliable thanks to event-driven programming and native android development.
WiFi tether consumes less power than Bluetooth.
Suitable for low end boxes and embedded devices.

* Easy to use & nice UI.
Keep things simple. The configuration is straightforward without any extra effort. It only takes one step to turn on network hotspot tethering.
Following material design guidelines, and using high-quality animations to make it a modern App.
Oxirgi yangilanish
17-sen, 2023

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