Pretend Play: Princess Castle

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2,02 ming ta sharh
500 ming+
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Have you always wanted to be a princess game which is for everyone and be in your fairy tale dream house? Then your royal dream has come true! Now you can be a princess in your very own dollhouse. Explore the huge princess castle and play pretend! Pretend play princess castle is a fantasy world for everyone where there's no limit to imagination, creativity and fun for adults and everyone. You can create your very own original princess story in this unique castle home. You can even dress up every little princess, king, queen & royal family in this game. Choose cute dresses and show off your fashion sense in these princess castle pretend games.

Imagine a castle where your little ones can interact with just about everything. It is a playhouse pretend game where can get busy making dinner and dressing up, decorating the terrace and throwing a party in the ballroom just for fun. It's like a digital dollhouse where you can play, create and imagine a different adventure each time he plays. Creativity and imagination comes to life when you start playing home pretend games which are favorites for autistic people! Hours of imaginative play is at your fingertips to remove stress from your fun life!

Bed rooms, kitchen, dining hall, garden, corridor and much more interesting rooms of this princess town royal castle games give you nonstop entertainment of queen castle world living. You can do anything in the rooms of the ice queen castle. You can enjoy the cleaning of the rooms & setting the royal dresses into the cupboard. In this royal princess pretend town games you can play music and enjoy the beautiful castle view from the room balcony.

Give water to the plants, feel the fresh air and enjoy the outdoor living of the great castle. Let’s view the royal castle garden view. Stunning collections of swords weapons antique pieces, paintings, and old royal outfits give you the realistic environment of princess pretend castle play!

There are going to be many rooms in the pretend town royal princess castle for you . There is a prince royal family hall where you can eat a feast with the prince and princess and have fun! Fun room for you to sleep and play with fun royal princess toys. You can even live a multiple queen & king life in your pretend style while playing this pretend play princess castle games!

Kick start your royal castle adventure to become the most beautiful princess ever. Wonder world dollhouse pretend games to play. Enjoy cooking and living in the princess royal fun castle and become a cute little princess of the town. Attractive Cute and sweet sound effects will be like a treat to your little ones hearing senses. Play and have fun!

Features :

👸 Huge castle with lots of rooms to explore and secrets to discover. 
👸 Interact with anything you want to do in this pretend play princess castle game.
👸 Various royal items to play with!
👸 Touch, drag and explore every object and see what happens!
👸 Numerous house decorations and dollhouse furniture items are waiting for you to use them according to your beautiful princess room decoration plans!
Oxirgi yangilanish
18-avg, 2023

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