Animal Link-Connect Puzzle

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Connect Animal is a puzzle game, the goal is to remove all the squares by eliminating the same pattern. The rules of the game are simple and require a certain amount of observation and quick reaction ability.
Detailed introduction:
1. At the beginning of the game, a grid filled with blocks, each adorned with a unique animal pattern or icon, is presented.
2. Your aim is to locate pairs of identical patterns. To successfully eliminate them, ensure the connecting line between them is straight and turns no more than twice, without crossing over any other squares.
3. Identifying a valid pair of squares allows you to click them, causing a connecting line to materialize and the blocks to disappear.
4. Eliminating block pairs causes the remaining blocks to shift, occupying the newly vacated spaces.
5. The objective is to clear all blocks within the set time limit to progress to the next level.
6. As you advance, the game's complexity heightens. The increase in the quantity and diversity of blocks adds to the challenge of finding matching pairs.
The game has different levels, each with a different animal pattern and layout, or special items and obstacles, such as rocket, bombs, etc. are added to increase the strategy and difficulty of the game. There are a few tricks and strategies players can use to improve their score and progress in the game. First, look at the entire array of blocks and find patterns that can be directly connected, which can quickly eliminate some blocks. Secondly, pay attention to the path between the patterns, and try to choose the path with fewer turns to save time and score points. In addition, pay attention to the time limit and try to complete the game within the specified time in order to obtain higher points. It offers more than 5,000 levels and displays more than 50 different animals. The game is designed to be played offline, making it ideal for players who don't have an Internet connection.
1. Connection: Connect two lines with the same pattern
2. Turn: The cable changes direction at the turn
3. Obstacles: Other blocks block two lines of the same pattern
4. Countdown: You need to complete the level within the specified time, or the game will fail
5. Tips: If you can't find a matching square, you can use the tips function to get some help
6. High score strategy: Eliminate as many blocks as possible, the more blocks you eliminate each time, the higher the score will be. At the same time, minimize the use of the prompt feature, as each use will reduce the score
Creativity and imagination:
1. Experiment with varying tactics: Clearing one square might simplify connections for others. Focus on the optimal sequence of removal to reduce the number of obstacles.
2. Pay attention and retain memory: At times, it's necessary to recall the locations of certain blocks that are potential matches but currently not connectable. Through careful observation and memory, you can successfully match these blocks in future moves.
3. Act swiftly: The game's time constraint demands rapid decision-making. Minimize hesitation in selecting blocks to effectively utilize the allotted time.
Through these rules, terms and techniques, you can fully enjoy the fun of Connect Animal. Challenge your powers of observation, memory, and decision-making, and try different strategies and methods to get the highest score
Oxirgi yangilanish
3-sen, 2024

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- Fix some bug
- Optimize game performance

Animal Link is an addictive animal matching game that challenges players' observation and reaction skills. Unlock various levels by connecting identical animal patterns, and immerse yourself in the endless fun of this engaging elimination game.
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