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Capsule360 is a Versatile Time-lapse Motion Control Box which is compatible with DSLR or Mirrorless Cameras, smartphones and action cameras. It combines multiple operating modes in a single unit such as Enhanced Time-lapse Modes, 360° Product Photography and Panorama. When several Capsule360 units are working together to create motions, they do not need any cable connection at all. No more cable clutter! All units communicate with each other without a cable.

You can use Capsule360 to take time-lapse photos as well. It offers both standard and advanced time-lapse modes. The advanced modes are Bulb Ramping, Interval Ramping, Long Exposure and HDR (High Dynamic Range) time-lapse modes. These modes do not require the existence of the smartphone during the shooting. Once you have the parameters set and start the shooting, you can just use your smartphone for other purposes. Capsule360 benefits from your smartphone in every possible way, but it is also capable of doing many things by itself.

Our user-friendly and cleverly designed mobile application lets you make all setup and configurations easily. You will not be bored with complex user interfaces and your motion setup will only take 10 seconds.

Current modes in the app:
Basic Timelapse
Long Exposure Timelapse
Bulb Ramping Timelapse
Interval Ramping Timelapse
HDR Timelapse
Basic Video
Follow Me (Face Tracking mode)
Turntable Mode (360 degree product photography)
Panorama (Includes multi row panorama)
Remote Controlled Motion
Oxirgi yangilanish
28-avg, 2023

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IHLAMUR APARTMAN, NO:5 C MEHMET AKIF MAHALLESI 34774 Istanbul (Anatolia) Türkiye
+90 532 210 45 60