Furball Ninja

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1 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
Hamma uchun

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"Furball Ninja" is an exhilarating swordplay action game where you cut down the descending ninja armies!

Cut down and defeat the hordes of multi-colored fluffy Furball Ninja that descend on you!
To defeat them, just swipe through three of the same color and let go!

Bombs also will occasionally fall in if one of them explodes, it's game over, so be careful!
Bombs will explode if they are touched or after 30 seconds.

Furball Ninja turn into coins when they are defeated get as many as you can!
Collect tons of large and small coins and get rich.

* Enjoy exhilarating swordplay just by swiping through ninja of the same color and releasing.
* Three levels of difficulty for all skill levels.
* Cute, fluffy Furball Ninja.
* Recording and streaming possible through "Everyplay".
* Share your records and screenshots on SNS.
* Achievements and leaderboards compatible with "GooglePlay GameService".
* Achievements and leaderboards compatible with "Apple GameCenter".
* Game mode that changes at the time.

###===----- How to Play -----===###
Cut down the descending ninja armies in this exhilarating sword action game!

[1] Swipe through only ninja of the same color and release to cut them down. Cutting down more at a time will give more valuable coins.
[2] As long as you don’t touch any ninja of other colors, your attack will include all ninja you swiped, including the one where you released.
Also, you can pass over coins, and you can connect to ninja on the opposite side by swiping to the edge of the screen.
[3] If you touch a bomb even a little, it will explode for a Game Over!
[4] Bombs will also explode after 30 seconds for a Game Over!
[5] You can get rid of bombs by making them fall to the bottom of the screen. When you see a bomb, hurry and defeat ninja to make it fall to the ground.
[6] Make coins fall to the ground to get them.
[7] If there are no ninja of the same color together, you can swipe two ninja of different colors to swap them.
Oxirgi yangilanish
2-noy, 2023

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[version 1.21]
- Compatible with Android 14 SDK.