Brownie Maker Chef

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Hamma uchun

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Today, lets make a Brownie. The best Brownie recipe is here to make chewy fudge squares of chocolate. Lets make world Chocolate Chip Brownies, Chocolate Cake Brownie Here is the perfect way to bake Brownie in this Brownie Maker Chef game. Our virtual kitchen lets you to make tastiest brownie cake with fun.

First get these ingredients containing vegetable oil, sugar, vanilla extract, eggs, flour, baking powder and cocoa. Add eggs and mix well until mixed. Combine flour, cocoa and baking powder. Beat all the mixture and pour the batter into the pan and distribute uniformly. Set oven temperature to 350 degrees and put the mixture in oven using square cooking pan. Bake for about 25 minutes and you'll have the best baked Brownie.

For those looking for delicious chocolate cake and dessert making adventure then this kitchen game brings Brownie baking experience for you. Cook quickly and share delicious Brownie cake with your friends. Learn to bake Brownie cakes of different flavors like strawberry brownie, orange brownie , peanut Brownie, walnut brownie, Chocolate Chip brownie and even Blueberry. Take this baking adventure and become a top chef of brownie maker!
Oxirgi yangilanish
14-iyn, 2023

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