JBL Endurance peak2 guide

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The JBL Endurance Peak 2 are wireless earbuds that offer the following features:

IPX7 waterproof rating, allowing you to wear them while sweating or in the rain.
Up to 28 hours of battery life with the charging case.
Touch controls for adjusting volume, switching tracks, and activating Siri or Google Assistant.
Secure fit with ear-hook design and multiple ear-tip options.
JBL Pure Bass sound for deep, powerful bass.
Voice assistant compatibility with Siri and Google Assistant.
Ambient Aware and TalkThru technology for staying aware of your surroundings.
To use the earbuds, simply charge the case, place the earbuds in your ears, and connect them to your device via Bluetooth. You can use the touch controls on the earbuds to adjust volume, switch tracks, and activate your voice assistant.
Oxirgi yangilanish
29-okt, 2023

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