MOS Burger Singapore

50 ming+
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While working at an investment company in Los Angeles in the 1960s, Mr. Sakurada frequented a local hamburger chain called Tommy's.

Inspired by the 'cook to order' concept, and delicious hamburgers at Tommy's, Mr. Sakurada hit on the idea that a counterpart to an American icon would be as popular with his countrymen.

After returning to Japan, Mr. Sakurada started his hamburger shop venture and set up the first MOS Burger shop in Tokyo in 1972. Committed to producing food fine-tuned to the Japanese palate, Mr. Sakurada inspired his team to create innovative products that would stand the test of time. One of the finest creations was the Rice Burger, which proved a smash hit when it was launched in Japan in 1987.

Through the persistency and determination of Mr. Sakurada, MOS Burger has become one of the largest hamburger chains in Japan. The entire hamburger culture in Japan stemmed from Mr. Sakurada's dream.

Since 1972, MOS Burger has offered a wide variety of unique and original MOS burgers, as well as local specialties. Menu and styles might have changed but the MOS policy and passionate commitment to creating delicious, quality burgers has never changed. Beyond Japan, MOS Burger continues to bring good taste to countries around the world.
Oxirgi yangilanish
7-okt, 2023

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