MV Music Video Player EQ 2023

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Music player & video player is not only an MV music player and video player with an attractive design but also a powerful music improver with a high-quality equalizer🔊, bass booster & 3D virtualizer. With this eq MV music and video player, you can open a new world to media🎶. This MV video player supports all formats, including android devices, offline playback, 4K & HD, downloader, and background play😊.

Top Features for MV video player for android - Music player & Video player with equalizer:

💥Features of MV Music Player 2023:💥

🎧 Music cutter: Cut the music to the length you need and use it as a ringtone📳 directly
🎧 Headset control: Set your mobile free🎧 and enjoy songs without disturbance
🎧 Desktop lyrics: Sing your favorite song along with the lyrical screen🎤
🎧 Sleep timer: fall asleep with music without wasting battery🔋
🎧 Desktop widgets: Control or manage playing music with the easiest widget
🎧 Shake to switch: Shake your phone to switch soundtracks
🎧 Keep your music playing while using other apps
🎧 Support all popular music file formats: MP3, WAV, AAV, FLAV, APE, etc
🎧 Scan music files on your mobile automatically
🎧 Scan all lyric files and match automatically
🎧 Browse music in different ways from the app such as tracks, artists, albums, genres, playlists, and folders
🎧 Supports more than 30+ languages
🎧 Supply powerful equalizer, bass booster & 3D virtualizer with multiple presets including classical, flat, dance, heavy metal, folk, hip hop, jazz, and rock

💥Features of MV Video Player 2023:💥

🎦 App lock won't interrupt the video-playing process
🎦 Scan video files on your mobile automatically
🎦 Screenshot: provide a screenshot facility so you can save your favorite moment from the videos🤗
🎦 Support all popular video file formats such as AVI, AAC, MOV, MP4, WMV, RMVB, FLAC, 3GP, M4V, MKV, TS, MPG, FLV, etc
🎦 Supports full HD video player, 1080p hd, avi player, movie player, and videomaker
🎦 Supports sleep timer for an android video player - player for android
🎦 Subtitle support in MV music player for android
🎦 Video player speed change: you can play your videos at low speed to see more details or at high speed to save time
🎦 Video cutter: cut/trim the video clip and save only the best part which you want

Audio and video player is a pro MV music & video player tool & audio player for android tablets and android phones❤️. You can play videos with high definition and listen to music with an easy-to-use music video player hd 2023🔥. "MV Player - Video Player all format" is a complete music video player offline for android, and it is simple and powerful.

Eq Music Player and Video Player used professional audio and video decoding technology, so they can play music and videos perfectly and realize high-fidelity playback. It's the best video player bass booster that can fulfill your musical needs🎵🎹.

If the question roams in your mind that "Which app is best for music and video player?" then don't worry, the vcl media player app for mkv player is the perfect app for you to experience the best quality music sounds and HD video🚀.

Note: Use your headphones for a better sound experience🎧
Oxirgi yangilanish
1-yan, 2024

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-Bug Fixed!
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