Swipe Dial - Swipe dialer app

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179 ta sharh
10 ming+
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Are are you tired of searching someone you want to call or text through your contacts or call logs? Are you tired of using traditional methods of placing a call or sending messages? Then Swipe Dial app is for you.

Swipe Dial is a free speed dial/ Swipe dialer app which allows you to call or text someone by just swiping on your screen. This can save you both, time and effort, to stay in touch with your favorites.

Swipe Dial is battery friendly and super easy to use.

Key Features:

🔸 Add your favorites with just few taps.
🔸Swipe right to call a contact.
🔸 Swipe left to send message.
🔸 Bio metric Authentication to Strengthen security while giving you a smooth and positive experience.
🔸Add all contacts to the app so that you can use to swipe to call/message feature for all your contacts.

🏴 Your contacts are safe with you. Your contacts are not saved anywhere else other than your phone.
🏴 This app does not read your messages, call logs or call details.

Swipe Dial is the speed dial app you were looking for. It is safe, secure and easy to use. Dial easily, message easily and manage your contacts. Give it a try and see if it makes your life easier.
Oxirgi yangilanish
21-avg, 2024

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176 ta sharh

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Dasturchi haqida
Nafi Ul Javaid
Wanpora, Shamsipora kulgam Jammu and Kashmir Kulgam, Jammu and Kashmir 192231 India

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