City Builder : 2048 Merge

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1 ming+
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By swipe, slide, you can merge the same building to create larger building and make your City great!

City Builder is a city puzzle game inspired by the great 2048. Huge metropolis cities are built by sliding tiles and merging identical pieces so they stack. Are you looking for offline games for free? This could be the best free offline puzzle game you will ever want!

How to play
1. Just swipe the tiles in the direction you want them to move
2. When two tiles with the same building touch they will merge into one.
3. Your goal is to get to the biggest building tile. Push yourself to raise your population score up! Simple as that!

• Very small app, free to play
• High-resolution, beautiful graphics
• Classic 2048 sliding block puzzle game-play
• Undo, upgrade, remove, clean function will helps you very much
• No network required

Become a city builder and bring your Empire through eras in the puzzle game City Builder.
Oxirgi yangilanish
13-iyl, 2024

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